Measures the brightness of micro LED on chip and wafer using high sensitivity spectrometer
Able to adjust the measurement area and to measure from 1μcd
Traceable with KOLAS, JCSS and NIST
Covers dynamic range of luminance level
Wide range of luminance between 0.005cd/m² and 400,000 cd/m²
High speed - 1 sec. for standard mode; 20msec. for continuous mode
Multipurpose spectrometer covering from UV to NIR wavelength range
Able to measure micro spot spectrum, light source, transmittance, reflectance, object color and thickness
Compact size and light weight - 60% of downsizing from previous generation
Covers dynamic range of luminance level
Dynamic range of luminance between 0.005cd/m² and 3,000cd/m²
High speed - 1sec for standard mode; 20msec for continuous mode
Flexible and various measurement system with optical fiber
High speed measuring cycle
In-line evaluation system for optical characteristics of LED synchronized with control signal in production line
Wide dynamic range with brand-new detector
Illuminant located in the integrating sphere prevents self absorption error
L-I-V, Pulse, PWM, Temperature control(-40℃ ~ +200℃) measurement are available
Measures the angular distribution of luminous intensity to evaluate the goniophotometric characteristics
Brand new detector widen the measurement range up to 2,400mm
Spectral radiant flux calculation available at both UV and NIR region
6F, 41, Seongnam-daero 925beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13496, Republic of Korea
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